Hindu Girl Names

Hindu Girls Names characterize as Hindu feminine names in Hindu society and the world. Find here top Hindu Girls names meaning includes most trending names like Priyanka, Anaya, Angel, Aadhya and Riya. Top 3 popular trending Girls names meanings are as follows: Anaya meaning Without A Superior, Misfortune, Adversity; Angel meaning Messenger from God; Angel; Pari; Aadhya meaning First power; Goddess Durga; First; Unequalled; Perfect; The Earth; Another ornament.

10K+ Hindu Girl Names A to Z

1 Priyanka Dear One, Beautiful, Lovable Act Hindu
2 Anaya Without A Superior, Misfortune, Adversity Hindu
3 Angel Messenger from God; Angel; Pari Hindu
4 Aadhya First power; Goddess Durga; First; Unequalled; Perfect; The Earth; Another ornament Hindu
5 Riya Graceful; Singer; Beautiful; A Form of Ria; One who Sings; Dance Hindu
6 Aaradhya Worship; Worship Goddess; Like a God Hindu
7 Shanaya Eminent; Distinguished, First Ray Of The Sun Hindu
8 Prisha God's Gift; Beloved; Loving Hindu
9 Aadya One who is Always First and Best; Name of Adisakthi; Parvathi Hindu
10 Ritika Movement; Pretty; Cute; Of Brass; Bronze; One who Keeps Traditions (Riti Rivaz) Hindu
11 Shreya Excellent; Credit; Auspicious; Lucky; Better; The Best Forever; Goddess Lakshmi; Beautiful; To Give Credit to Someone Hindu
12 Anushka Grace, Favour, Flower Hindu
13 Samaira Enchanting, Protected By God Hindu
14 Mahi 'The Union Of Heaven And Earth, Divine Being, Great Earth Hindu
15 Sneha Love; Affectionate; Wife of Rishi Sandeep; Friendly Hindu
16 Trisha Noble; Abbreviation of Patricia; Noble Woman; Patrician; Desire; Thirst; Female Version of Patrick; Aristocratic the Three Goddesses Shakthi; Aristocratic Hindu
17 Ananya Limitless Feeling; Endless; Beautiful Star; Matchless; Nice Hindu
18 Aahana Inner light, Immortal, Born during the day, the First rise of the Sun Hindu
19 Priya Beloved One; Loved One; Darling; Loving to Everyone; Dear One Hindu
20 Aanya Different; Goddess Durga; Graceful Hindu
21 Anjali Join Hands; Palms Together; Offering with Both Hands; An Angel; Offering Hindu
22 Anika Goddess Durga; Grace; Favour; God is Gracious; God has Shown Favour Hindu
23 Anshika Minute Particle, Beautiful, Pretty Girl Hindu
24 Aarohi A music tune; Progressive; Evolving Hindu
25 Simran Remembrance; Meditation; Beautiful Hindu
26 Sanvi Goddess Parvati; Glowing; Attractive; Loveable; Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
27 Priyanshi Dear one, Loving, lovable, he most valuable part of something Hindu
28 Sarayu Moving Fast, Wind, Holy River Hindu
29 Aarvi Peace, tranquility, calmness Hindu
30 Ishika An arrow, Dart, One who achieves, Paintbrush, Daughter of God Hindu
31 Aadrita Adorable Hindu
32 Nikita People of victory, Unconquerable, abode, the earth Hindu
33 Anvi One of the devis names, Name of a Goddess Hindu
34 Kritika Name of a star, Well starred, Goddess of Karma Hindu
35 Aadvika Unique Hindu
36 Mansi Plucked Flower; Voice of Heart; Woman Hindu
37 Aadrika Goddess; Mountain Hindu
38 Shruti A Musical Tone; Beautiful; Different; Hearing; Veidik Text; Expert in Vedas; Intelligent; Different in All Hindu
39 Aab Shine Hindu
40 Akshita Wonder Girl; Seen; Wonderful Girl; Permanent; Constant Hindu
41 Mayra Honey; Beloved, Adored Sweet; Admirable; Aristocratic Lady Hindu
42 Aaditri Godess Laxmi Hindu
43 Aaarti Worship Hindu
44 Saanvi Goddess Lakshmi; One who will be followed Hindu
45 Janu Soul; Life force; Birthplace Hindu
46 Aabha Glow Hindu
47 Anisha Pure; Grace; Continuous; Day; Supreme; Variant of Anne or Agnes Hindu
48 Aashvi Blessed and victorious; Little Mare Hindu
49 Aadishree Exalted Hindu
50 Srishti Universe Hindu
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Browse Boy Hindu Names by Alphabets
Browse Girls Hindu Names by Alphabets
Ashmatee Strong, Unyielding Hindu
Aadwika Unique, Beautiful Hindu
Kusboo Beautiful Fragrance Hindu
Somatra Excelling the Moon Hindu
Kotishri A name for Durga Hindu
Drishti Vision; Eyesight; Sight Hindu
Momita Honey Bee, Sweet Friend, Goddess Hindu
Hithishini Well Wisher Hindu
Priyam Beloved Hindu
Mishmi Amicable Hindu
Pratikhya Pledge, Proud, Symbolic Hindu
Ahimsa Nonviolent Virtue Hindu
Prajwala Eternal Flame Hindu
Gouri Bright; Fair Hindu
Melatie Jasmine Hindu
Akshayamathi Super Intelligence.Divyagyana. Akshayamukthi-Eternal Salvation. Hindu
Chiranjana Lasting Happiness Hindu
Sunashi Lord Indra Hindu
Jeeveetha Alive Hindu
Ganashree Believe in Spirits or God Hindu

Hindu Girl Names with Meaning

One of the most wonderful times for any parent is when their daughter is born. Being a parent to a newborn is the most joyful and cheery time of your life. Each religion has its own customs and traditions, and given that Hinduism is the third-largest religion in the world, there is an enormous selection of Hindu girl names from which to choose. Finding the ideal name for your child can be challenging due to the depth of the Hindu religion and the abundance of legendary figures.

Some parents seek advice from their pandits for their baby's name or alphabet because the Hindu community, like all other parents, gives considerable thought to the baby's religion while naming it. The collection of Hindu names for girls, along with their origins, meanings, and other pertinent information, is regularly updated by Hamariweb. You may find a ton of fashionable, current Hindu baby names on our website that are still in keeping with their religion. Choose from our collection of unusual names to make your baby's name stand out in a new way. From our page Hamariweb, select the top Hindu girl names with meaning 2024 that have a meaningful name.

This website can be used by Hindu populations in the UK, USA, Canada, and other countries to select the ideal Hindu names girl. The daughter is God's beautiful yet exquisite creation. Parents constantly try to come up with the greatest name for their princess, no matter where they are from or where they live. Hindu parents can therefore simply find the greatest Indian girl names for their new-born child.

For parents looking for Hindu names girl and Hindu names for boys options, Hamariweb provides a comprehensive list of Indian Girl Names with meaning, ensuring you find a name that is both beautiful and significant. Whether you are searching for traditional names or more modern choices, our website offers a wide variety of Hindu names for girls to help you make the perfect choice for your daughter.

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Shreya is such a well-known name due to Shreya Singh singer. I like this name.

  • Laraib Wasti, karachi

Riya is a famous name in Hindu culture, I chose this name for my Daughter as well.

  • javeria Altaf,

My name is alfiya and usually people find it hard to prnouce my name.Tho it is a unique name and i have never met a person whos name is same as min (alfiya) So i feel really happy cus it makes me unique frm other people around me


Anika is a lovely name with a rich heritage, sure to bring joy and brightness to your family.

  • Sarah, Delhi

A Muslim girl's name, radiating warmth and positivity. Embrace this name for your little princess, symbolizing eternal beauty.

  • Ghalib, Karachi